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Mount'n Mover Wheelchair Mounts

Feb 10, 2009

Securely and conveniently mounts laptops, tablets, augmentnative communication devices, even reading stands and trays on wheelchair. Does not add width to wheelchair to catch in doorways! Quickly removed when not in use.

The Mount'n Mover is a powerful new mounting system designed with a renewed focus on the user. While other mounts place devices at a fixed position, Mount'n Mover can easily be moved into and out of position, independently.

The Mount'n Mover system lets individuals choose where and when their mount is positioned devices, trays or laptops can be at-the-ready, not in-the-way.

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Mount'n Mover's two ergonomic access points make adjustments easy, and with simple setup and lock positions, Mount'n Mover will fit, and return to, any position that works for the individual. google-site-verification: google9d353879aca40daa.html