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Designed for people with complex physical disabilities, the system is operated entirely with the eyes. By focusing on control keys displayed on the screen, a person can synthesize speech, control his environment (lights, appliances, etc.) type, run computer software, operate a computer mouse, and access the Internet and email.

The Eyegaze Communication System is an FDA- approved communication and control system for people with complex physical disabilities. 

                                      Eyegaze Communication System Overview              

The Eyegaze Edge is an eye-operated communication and control system that empowers people with disabilities to communicate and interact with the world. By looking at control keys or cells displayed on a screen, a user can generate speech either by typing a message or selecting pre-programmed phrases. Eyegaze Edge Systems are being used to write books, attend school and enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities all over the world.

Unique Features of the Eyegaze Edge                                          Who's using the Eyegaze Edge?
How does the Eyegaze Edge work?                                                Customizing the Eyegaze Edge
Optional programs enable users to:                                                      All Eyegaze units include



                                Evaluation or to Request Information

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                                     EyeGaze Edge Testimonials

The Eyegaze System is a direct-select vision-controlled communication and control system. An Eyegaze user can perform a broad variety of functions including speech synthesis, environmental control (lights and appliances), typing, operating a television, and running both mouse- and keyboard-controlled applications on a second PC. Selections are made by looking at boxes or "keys" displayed on the Eyegaze System's screen. Nothing is attached to the user. Eyegaze programs vary from simple teaching programs, where the screen is divided into two or four large boxes (keys), to entire on-screen computer keyboards with 75 or more 5/8-inch square keys. Eyegaze users range in age from 5 years to 80 years old.
The Eyegaze System uses the pupil-center/corneal-reflection method to determine where the user is looking on the screen. An infrared-sensitive video camera, mounted beneath the System's monitor, takes 60 pictures per second of the user's eye. A low power, infrared light emitting diode (LED), mounted in the center of the camera's lens illuminates the eye. The LED reflects a small bit of light off the surface of the eye's cornea. The light also shines through the pupil and reflects off of the retina, the back surface of the eye, and causes the pupil to appear white. The bright-pupil effect enhances the camera's image of the pupil and makes it easier for the image processing functions to locate the center of the pupil. The computer calculates the person's gaze point, i.e., the coordinates of where he is looking on the screen, based on the relative positions of the pupil center and corneal reflection within the video image of the eye. Typically the Eyegaze System predicts the gaze point with an average accuracy of a quarter inch.

The Lights and Appliances program, which includes computer-controlled switching equipment, provides eyegaze control of lights and appliances anywhere in the home or office. No special house wiring is necessary. The user turns appliances on and off by looking at a bank of switches displayed on the screen.


The Computer Access Program permits the Eyegaze Edge ® to act as a peripheral keyboard and mouse interface to a Windows computer. The user can run any off-the-shelf software he chooses on the second computer. He can access the Internet and send e-mail by looking at keyboard and mouse control screens on the eyegaze monitor. The programs being run are displayed on the second computer’s monitor. Typed text appears simultaneously on the eyegaze monitor and the second PC’s screens.

Simple word processing can be done using the Keyboard program. The user types by looking at keys on visual keyboards. Four keyboard configurations, simple to complex, are available. Typed text appears on the screen above the keyboard display. The user may “speak” or print what he has typed. He may also store typed text in a file to be retrieved at a later time. The retrieved text may be verbalized, edited or printed.


Visually controlled Games include a Paddle game, Mahjong and Score Four.


The EyeMouse program makes it possible for a user to run off-the-shelf programs right on his Eyegaze Edge ®. By looking at off-screen keys, he can use his eyes for all standard mouse functions including left and right clicks, double clicks, and click and drag.

Simple EyeMouse is a single-click program that lets a child run programs such as Speaking Dynamically Pro™ or Clicker™ right on the Eyegaze screen.

Grid 3 Programs:

Grid 3 from Sensory Software adds another layer of functionality to the Eyegaze Edge®. The optional Grid 2 is fully integrated into the Edge and can be entered from the Eyegaze main menu.

Grids are available for adults and children, text-based or icon-based, and can be configured to suit the user.Grid Programs:
  • Keyboard with speech
  • Word processor
  • Internet access
  • Email
  • Music and video player
  • Basic calculator
  • Contacts
  • Skype, telephone, instant messaging, television control (available within the program, but supported by Sensory Software)



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